• Lansari filme, Stiri

    Absolut tot – filmul a fost vazut in avanpremiera de vedete


    Avanpremiera speciala a filmului „Everything, Everything / Absolut Tot” a avut loc la Cinema City din AFI Cotroceni. Invitatii, printre care s-au numarat si Corina Caragea, Cristina Cioran, Nicoleta Nuca, Alice Nastase-Buciuta, Ramona Solomon, Simona si Rares Dragomir, Oana Cosbuc si OliX au participat la evenimentul de lansare si au descoperit povestea de dragoste dintre…

  • Special, Thriller

    [REVIEW] The Circle (2017)


    „ I am a believer in the perfectibility of human beings. When we are our best selves, the possibilities are endless. There isn’t a problem that we cannot solve. We can cure any disease. And we can end hunger and – without secrets, without the hoarding of knowledge and information, we can finally realize our…

  • Articole tematice, Special

    Fata din Tren – tu ce crezi ca s-a intamplat cu Megan?


    “I have lost control over everything, even the places in my head.” ‘The Girl on the Train: Fata din tren’ este ecranizarea romanului semnat de britanica Paula Hawkins, un thriller psihologic gandit ca o scriere asemenea unui puzzle. Redactata la persoana I, povestea este redata din punctul de vedere a trei femei – Rachel, Anna si…

  • Fantastic, Special

    [REVIEW] ‘Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children’ (2016)


    „ A loop is the last twenty-four hours, rest the loop and the day is yours to live in again. Reset it daily, and you can stay there forever, entirely safe from the outside world. Every Ymbryne commits herself to the creation and the upkeep of a place like this, a home for peculiar children.”…

  • Concurs

    CONCURS: Castiga cartea ‘Me Before You: Inainte sa te cunosc’. FIlmul ruleaza in cinematografe (incheiat)


    Citeste cartea, vezi filmul si revii la citatele preferate! Castiga cu #CineForum, #EdituraLitera si #RanEventsCom! ‘Me Before You’ ruleaza deja in cinematografe, distribuit de CineForum –   o drama romantica cu tonuri amuzante, ecranizarea unei scrieri de mare succes semnate de Jojo Moyes. Romanul care sta la baza ecranizarii filmului a fost publicat la Editura Litera si poate fi comandat online sau… castigat…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Lansare Steelbook, Blu ray 3D, Blu Ray si DVD „The Martian”


    ” If the oxygenator breaks down, I’ll suffocate. If the water reclaimer breaks down, I’ll die of thirst. If the hab breaches, I’ll just kind of implode. If none of those things happen, I’ll eventually run out of food and starve to death. So, yeah. I’m fucked.„ Incepand cu 2 februarie 2016 „The Martian„ este disponibil in format Steelbook…

  • Trailere

    Teaser trailer „A Monster Calls” (2015)


    A MONSTER CALLS Data lansare: 21 oct 2016; distribuitor Freeman Entertainment. Regizor: Juan Antonia Bayona Actori: Liam Neeson, Felicity Jones, Sigourney Weaver, Toby Kebbell Bazat pe romanul omonim scris de Patrick Ness, „A Monster Calls” este povestea emotionanta a unui baiat cu o copilarie umbrita de boala grava a mamei sale si vizitele nocturne ale unui monstru…

  • Drama, Recomandari, Special

    [Review] BIFF 11: Far From the Madding Crowd/ Departe de lumea dezlantuita (2015)


     „It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Regizor: Thomas Vinterberg Actori: Carey Mulligan, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Sheen, Juno Temple, Tom Sturridge, Jessica Barden Gen: Drama Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: Marea Britanie | SUA Durata: 119 minute Cu danezul Thomas Vinterberg aveam sa ma familiarizez pentru prima oara odata cu vizionarea…

  • Drama, Romantic, Special

    The Longest Ride/ Cel mai lung drum (2014)


    „- I wish I could tell you it would all be happy ever after. Not everybody gets that. – You did. – For Ruth and I, it wasn’t that simple.” Regizor: George Tillman Jr. Actori: Scott Eastwood, Britt Robertson, Alan Alda,Jack Huston, Oona Chaplin, Melissa Benoist, Tiago Riani, Hayley Lovitt Gen: Drama, Romantic Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 139 minute Nicholas…

  • Seriale

    Outlander – Serial TV [Starz]


    „I’ve always known I’ve lived a like different from other men. When I was a lad I saw no path before me, I simply took a step and then another. Ever forward, ever onward, rushing toward someplace I knew not where. And one day I turned around and looked back and saw that each step…

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