Selectie de scene, Special

Conversatii cinefile la telefon: Selectie de scene

tumblr_mjewscmYdR1qbgpiso1_400Aproape de fiecare data cand urmaresc un film, gasesc cate o scena cu care sa fac legaturi pentru a face ulterior un articol intreg, cu multa documentare si scormoneli si plasari exacte ale unor momente. Cu multe idei aglomerate in mintea mea ingropata in scene de filme, am decis ca de data asta sa fac o oprire la capitolul „telefon” si sa selectez cele mai frumoase conversatii din filme sau pe acelea care declaneaza un moment important din actiunea productiei. Cu precizarea ca inspiratia a venit la revederea ocupantului de pe primul loc (mereu o placere), trebuie sa punctez faptul ca desi nu este probabil cea mai puternica secventa, pentru mine ramane o marturie pentru una dintre cele mai bune reprezentatii ale doamnei Jolie.

Desigur, cele douazeci si cinci de optiuni reprezinta doar alegerile mele, existand libertatea ca fiecare sa faca propriile completari si sa modifice ierarhia imaginata de mine, existand chiar posibilitatea sa mi se reaminteasca vreun moment drag mie, dar care a fugit din amintirile mele. Pentru a face lucrurile si mai interesante, am asezat scenele intr-un top (subiectiv, ca asa da bine). La inceputul articolului am inclus doua secvente din doua seriale pe care le iubesc, dar din pacate deja incheiate. Lost, serialul meu de suflet, asa cum imi place mie sa il numesc, a oferit probabil cea mai emotionanta conversatie la telefon, motiv pentru care nu putea lipsi din acest top.

Si daca va place aceasta frumoasa categorie imaginata de mine pentru voi, va reamintesc ca mai sunt articole dedicate si fantanilor, cheilor, garilor, coregrafiilor, scrisorilor si preferatul meu, cel rezervat ploilor. Va urma!

  • Lost (2004- 2010)


  • Fringe (2008- 2013)


  • Locul al XXV lea: Dial M for Murder (1954)

„Go straight to the window, and hide behind the curtains. At exactly eleven o’clock, I shall go to the telephone in the hotel to call my boss. I shall dial the wrong number. This number. That’s all I shall do.”


  • Locul al XXIV lea: When Harry Met Sally (1989)

„The fact that you’re not answering leads me to believe you’re either (a) not at home, (b) home but don’t want to talk to me, or (c) home, desperately want to talk to me, but trapped under something heavy. If it’s either (a) or (c), please call me back.”


  • Locul al XXIII lea: Sleepless in Seatle (1993)

„I live here, dad.”


  • Locul al XXII lea: The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

„I do wish we could chat longer, but… I’m having an old friend for dinner. Bye.”


  • Locul al XXI lea: The Departed (2006)

„One of us had to die. With me, it tends to be the other guy.”


  • Locul al XX lea: Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

„Quickly, please, Dr Hill, call me.”


  • Locul al XIX lea: Scream (1996)

„What’s your favorite scary movie? „


  • Locul al XVIII lea: Iron man 2 (2010)

„But I have to make one quick phone call. „


  • Locul al XVII lea: The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

„Get some rest, Pam. You look tired.”


  • Locul al XVI lea: Requiem for a Dream (2000)

” I’ll come… I’ll come today. You just wait for me, alright?”


  • Locul al XV lea: Up in the Air (2009)

„You are an escape. You’re a break from our normal lives. You’re a parenthesis.”


  • Locul al XIV lea: Taxi Driver (1976)

„- Travis Bickle: I can’t sleep nights.
– Personnel Officer: There’s porno theaters for that.”


  • Locul al XIII lea: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless  Mind (2004)

” You said „I do” – I guess that means we’re married!”


  • Locul al XII lea:A Single Man (2009)

„They don’t know that i’m calling you now. „


  • Locul al XI lea: Source Code (2011)

„Everything is going to be okay „


  • Locul al X lea: Ransom (1996)

” Is it dark where you’re calling from? Got the shades drawn? Kind of like a cellar, right? Like a cave? Well, you better get used to that. You better get used to crawling in the dark for the rest of your days, because I am gonna get the best group of manhunters in this country, and I am gonna dedicate my life to tracking you down.”


  • Locul al IX lea: Perfect sense (2011)

„Overwhelmed with grief, people are hit with all that they’ve lost. Lovers they never had, all the departed friends.. they’ve think about the people they’ve hurt.”


  • Locul al VIII lea: The Matrix (1999)

” Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call when you are unable to speak?”


  • Locul al VII lea: Jerry Maguire (1996)

„It’s a very personal, a very important thing. Hell, it’s a family motto. Are you ready, Jerry?”

  • Locul al VI lea : The Dark Knight (2008)

„I want… my phone call. I want it. I want it! I want my phone call!”


  • Locul al V lea: The Impossible (2012)

„I promise you that i won’t stop looking till i find them”


  • Locul al  IV lea: Taken (2008)

„Now, the next part is very important. They are going to take you.”


  • Locul al III lea: Blood Diamond (2006)

” I’m right where I’m supposed to be…”


  • Locul al II lea: Phone Booth (2002)

” I’ve never done anything for anybody …who couldn’t do something for me.”


  • Locul I: Changeling (2008)

„That I was embarrassed isn’t the issue, the point is you’re wasting time when you should be looking for my son.”


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  1. Ioana Raluca Popescu at  -  Răspunde

    Cand mi-ai zis de articol m-am gandit la Phone Booth dar imi scapase scena de la locul 18 :3 si tot de acolo mi-am amintit de acest moment la telefon :
    Tony Stark: Pepper, it’s me. I’ve got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time, so… first off. I’m so sorry I put you in harm’s way. That was selfish and stupid and it won’t happen again. Also, it’s Christmas time. The rabbit’s too big. Done. Sorry. And I’m sorry in advance because… I can’t come home yet. I need to find this guy. You gotta stay safe. That’s all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.

    • Angela at  -  Răspunde

      Raspund cu intarziere 🙂 Si tot sunt suparata pe mine pentru ca nu m-am gandit la scena aia… Dar nici nu o gaseam sa o distribui. Si este atat de buna! Multumesc pentru completare. Cu adevarat o scena ce merita inclusa in top,

    • Angela at  -  Răspunde

      multumesc 🙂 da, este foarte buna si scena asta! sunt sigura ca am mai uitat multe altele…. dar asta este superba!

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