Articole tematice, Special

Chei, lacate si zavoare: Selectii speciale din filme

27512-Vintage-KeyAsa cum am promis, mai ofer un articol cu selectie de scene. De data asta, am ales sa fac capturi de imagini, la fel ca la articolul cu scrisorile, numai ca de data asta alti demoni cinefili mi-au posedat gandirea. Mai exact, am ales sa selectez acele filme in care apar chei…

Nu orice fel de chei, ci acelea care pot deschide usi ce trebuie sa stea inchise, care declanseaza o aventura demna de tinut minte sau chei uitate care inchid rani. Sunt, in orice situatie, chei care definesc actiunea unui film, punctul de referinta sau doar deschid un capitol si incheie un altul.

Este adevarat ca am avut ajutor si pentru asta sunt datoare cu multumiri prietenelor mele dragi de prin blogosfera, Ioana si Adriana, care m-au ajutat sa completez lista cu mai mult decat cele cateva titluri la care ma oprisem eu.

Filmele nu sunt aranjate in vreun top, ci sunt asezate in ordinea in care m-am ocupat de ele. Sper sa va placa si acest articol si, asa cum am obisnuit, astept completari, sugestii, mustrari sau orice doriti sa-mi transmiteti in comentarii. O sa urmeze inca o runda de selectii cu scene la pian…

  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2010)

„I started with a simple problem… a key with no lock… and I designed a system I thought fit the problem. I broke everything down in the smallest parts… and tried to think of each person as a number… in a gigantic equation.”

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

  •  Twelve Monkeys (1995)

„All the doors are locked too. They’re protecting the people on the outside from us from the people on the outside who are as crazy as us”

12 monkeys

  • Hugo (2010)

„Why would my key fit into your father’s machine?”


  • La Cara Oculta (2011)

„Can you keep a secret”

la cara oculta

  • 1408 (2007)

„Most hotels have switched to magnetics. An actual key. That’s a nice touch, it’s antiquey.”


  • Dial M for Murder (1954)

„At exactly three minutes to eleven, you’ll enter the house through the street door. You’ll find the key to this door under the stair carpet here.”

dial m for murder

  • Sarah’s Key (2010)

„When stories are not told, they become something else….forgotten.”

sarah's key

  • Mulholland Dr (2001)

„Just call me Coco. Everybody else does. Wait there, and I’ll go get the key.”

mulholand drive

  • My Blueberry Nights (2007)

„Katya: Sometimes, even if you have the keys those doors still can’t be opened. Can they?

Jeremy: Even if the door is open, the person you’re looking for may not be there, Katya.”

my blueberry nights

  • Notorious (1946)

„Alicia: Alex has the key to that.

Devlin: Then, get it from him.”


  • The Matrix Reloaded

„Oh, yes. It is true. The Keymaker. Of course. But this is not a reason. This is not a „why”. The Keymaker himself – his very nature is a means. It is not an end. And so to look for him is to be looking for a means to do… what?


  • Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest (2006)

Jack Sparrow: It is a drawing of a key. Gentlemen, what do keys do?

Leech: Keys… unlock… things?

Joshamee Gibbs: And whatever this key unlocks, inside there’s something valuable… So, we’re setting out to find whatever this key unlocks?

Jack Sparrow:  No. (d) If we don’t have the key, we can’t open whatever it is we don’t have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked… which we don’t have… without first having found the key what unlocks it?”

Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest

  • Return to Oz (1985)

„Good morning, Mrs Hen. Where did you find the key for this place?”

return to oz

  • The Italian Key (2012)

„Thank you for your love and loyalty”

The Italian Key

  • The Mummy (1999)

” It’s just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.”

The Mummy

  • The Da Vinci Code (2006)

„He who keeps the keys to Heaven rules the world.”

da vinci code

  • The Fifth Element (1997)

 „I know this is the key.”

Fifth Element!

  • The Skeleton Key (2005)

„I thought the key opens everything.”

The Skeleton Key

  • The Lost Room (2006)

 „According to the transfer, someone tried to buy this key for two million dollars.”

lost room

  • Alice in Wonderland (2010)

„There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.”

Alice in Wonderland

  • The Shining (1980)

„Some places are like people: some shine and some don’t.”

The Shining

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  1. richie at  -  Răspunde

    Misto ideea, faina selectia. Ms pt La cara oculta. nu l-am vazut.

    • Angela at  -  Răspunde

      multumesc tare mult! primesc cu drag aprecierile ;;) imi cer scuze pentru raspunsul intarziat… mie mi-a placut la cara nu te uiti la niciun trailer inainte pentru ca strica tot farmecul. te astept cu un reply daca il urmaresti

  2. John Constantine at  -  Răspunde

    Buna. Am un comentariu „pierdut” prin pending la tine la comentarii (Asa patesc mereu cu primul comentariu pe un blog wordpress)

    • Angela at  -  Răspunde

      s-a gasit si s-a distribuit unde trebuie 🙂

      • John Constantine at  -  Răspunde

        comentariul „pierdut” era chiar la postarea asta. ziceam ceva de genul: ma bucur ca ai facut referire si la mini serialul The Lost Room. pacat ca nu a devenit serial

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