Stiu, stiu, stiu !! Nu e frumos sa spun asta, dar am cam neglijat blogul. Daca spun ca timpul este vinovat de asta si actiunile in care m-am tot implicat, poate mi se mai iarta din pacate 😛 . O sa continui sa fac postari, dar la o durata mai lunga de timp (nu atat de mare de la ultima publicare).
Ezel tocmai s-a terminat. In urma cu cateva ore, in Turcia s-a difuzat ultimul episod al sezonului doi si implicit al serialului. Multi vor fi dezamagiti de finalul ales de scenaristi, insa pe mine m-a incantat inspiratia, desi nu originala, una consecventa, care ma intriga si bucura in acealasi timp. Este adevarat ca nu am anticipat ideea care va fi pusa in scena: ne-au mintit frumos si nu s-au departat de surprizele cu care au obisnuit. Un final pe masura intregului produs: deranjant de sincer.
Saptamana aceasta urmeaza la KANAL D episodul 83, echivalentul episodului 54 difuzat de turci, ceea ce inseamna ca mai avem inca 17 episoade pana la final. Rabdarea este esentiala daca nu vrei sa distrugi farmecul de a te bucura de fiecare moment ce va urma. Pot sa va confirm ca desi au mai aparut personaje noi, altele ne vor parasi pana la deznodamantul serialului care ne-a cucerit.
P.S: In patru luni cat va mai dura difuzarea episoadelor din Ezel, o sa ajung la zi cu toate replicile selectate, si sper ca pana atunci sa fac rost de ele in limba romana 🙂
***”I didn’t do something to hurt you purposely! Believe it or not! I didn’t do anything to you not a single day, even in jail and in this face! In the other face or this one!”
*** “Do you know how many times I came to this door and stand by and watched you all! If it was anyone else he would have died! I lived! I stayed alive. Do you know why? So that one day all of this will be over and I will come home again. Either Omer or Ezel, no matter if they change my face!”
*** “If they rip and take this face out times, they cannot take the inside my out mom!”
*** “Believe it or not, I will still find my way home…I will success the impossible. I will do what others cannot do, I will come back to my home I know that. Then you may get mad, let me come back then get mad at me.”
*** “It is good time for killing, but it I snot enough for living.”
*** “While I was inside, I thought they used me, and everything they did forgot about it.But they haven’t forgotten. How I have stayed in the same place for the past years, after having all the money and freedom they are still in that place (time).”
*** “Ali regrets what he has done, Cengiz is still blaming Omer, and Eysan… Eysan still loves you…”
*** “If this man gets mad at you and does things, still stay by himself. This man doesn’t know anything beside loneliness. When he gets tight, he goes to the point. Never leave him alone! This man is scared the most from loneliness.”
*** “Don’t come closer! i will hurt your soul!”
*** “Sometimes he would have returned crying. You know they say it doesn’t suit a man crying, but that suited this man too!”
*** “One day she was Fatma, a poor little girl and one day she would be Eysan who was separated from her lover. Then one day she would be an innocent… an innocent you meet and fall in love with”
*** “Little girls are in love with their fathers, even if they force you to run from your dreams, but the most scary thing is running away from doing something to your loved ones.”
*** “Did you accept Omer’s child because of loving me?/ You loved him like your own child. When I learned it at first, I looked at him. Yes man, he is running like Omer. He is laughing like Omer. Omer was my best friend since age .We bought our first book together. I stole it from a store, but told him I bought it.but anyways. Now I am buying Can’s book, I didn’t see this child grow once but twice .I didn’t success at first, I sold my best friend and turned my back off on him and left. But look, he is laughing at me again. Again he is looking with his eyes, he will turn to me again “
*** “Once, when I was young I always thought I would break everything I touch.”
*** “The questions that cannot be asked makes a man go crazy….”
*** “The difference between what you want and what you can do is like giving up on yourself…”
*** “Do you think its possible to find goodness for everyone ?In such game? Trying is needed.”
*** “What do you know about Omer?/ I know he loved you. I know he proposed to you.I know he didn’t understand you. I know he wanted more than anything! I know he wanted more than more/ .You don’t know anything! I know that you don’t want anyone to love you! I know you played with everyone!”
*** “How far can you go Eysan? How far can you go to get what you want?/ Until the end!”
*** “My father, my father locked me in a room and threw the keys from up! No one can take me out from that room anymore! Do you want to save me very much? You cannot do it! Omer cant do it either?/ Ezel, If Omer was here now! If he has seen us like this. he would save me from you not from myself! Omer would have spitted on you not on me!”
*** “I didn’t love anyone! I don’t love anyone because I don’t have the right! “
*** “In the most darkness day, the most no remedy day ,if you are putting yourself in no where. The most unhappiness moment is not for you .It is for your children. If you are doing this to yourself while knowing it is a chance, no one is with no remedy…if its all for your children…even if all the doors are locked, someone’s heart is a trap in their own cage… no remedy, maybe remedy is right in front of you, but it is no remedy when there is no time finding him. Remedy is not something that needs to be hidden, the thing keeping you away is a life that is continuing outside The real no remedy is not letting you pass..”
*** “When we give the cassette how many years will these men will stay in jail?/ Years! The best will be years.”
*** “The real solution is not doing goodness for someone and poisoning someone else’s life…”
*** “Once while I was young ,I thought I would handle everything. But now I am old ,there is a big rock ahead of me and I have very little time. I have two children, one is gone for along time, but the other I have never seen. But I know, death is after him. I, I am Ramiz K. Even if I’m not always fine, but there is along life behind me. as with death there is two door, but there is only way out.”
*** “Do you know what is it like to suffer for your own child?/ I know. I Had three sons. They died./ Why?/ Who ever you ask, they will tell you that I killed them/ You killed them?/ Yes, I killed them/ .You killed them?What kind of man are you?/ I, I am a man who would make his own blood dry.”
*** “The thing that has no solution is the fruit with poison. The best solution is asking yourself : did you do anything in your hand that was possible?….because the real solution is losing the chance you had!”
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Imi place foarte mult serialul EZEL.Imi plac actorii,in special pe Kenan Imirzalioglu,deoarece este un tip dragut.Cu drag,Cristina