• Actiune, Special, Thriller

    Lucy (2014)


    ” Life was given to us a billion years ago. What have we done with it?„ Regizor: Luc Besson Actori: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Min-sik Choi, Amr Waked Gen: Actiune, Thriller Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: Franta Durata: 90 minute Pariind pe aceeasi carte castigatoare marca „la femme fatale” din vechile conspiratii de tip adrenalina, regizorul nu pare sa realizeze ca scoate…

  • Drama, Mister, SF, Special

    Transcendence (2014)


    “Once online, a sentient machine will quickly overcome the limits of biology. In a short time, it’s analytical power will be greater than the collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world. Some scientists refer to this as the Singularity. I call it Transcendence.” Regizor:  Wally Pfister Actori: Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Morgan Freeman, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy, Kate Mara…

  • Comedie, Drama, Special

    Better Living Through Chemistry (2013)


    “You never get high on your own supply? ” Regizori:  Geoff Moore, David Posamentier Actori: Olivia Wilde, Michelle Monaghan, Sam Rockwell, Jane Fonda, Ray Liotta, Norbert Leo Butz, Ben Schwartz Gen: Comedie, Drama Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 91 minute Aflati la primul proiect regizoral, Geoff Moore si David Posamentier incearca sa te pacaleasca la inceput cu banalitatea unor rutine tipic casnice, pentru ca…

  • Crima, Drama, Special

    The Bag Man (2014)


    “You know something? I don’t like surprises. Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the unexpected. But I don’t like surprises.” Regizor: David Grovic Actori: John Cusack, Robert De Niro, Rebecca Da Costa, Dominic Purcell, Crispin Glover Gen: Drama, Crima Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 108 minute John Cusack se incapataneaza sa castige roluri in filme thriller, dar nu pare…

  • Actiune, Comedie, Crima, Special

    Kick- Ass 2 (2013)


    “ This isn’t a costume, it’s who you really are.” • Regizor: Jeff Wadlow • Actori:   Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz,Christopher Mintz-Plasse,. Morris Chestnut, Donald Faison, John Leguizamo, Jim Carrey • Gen: Actiune, Comedie, Crima • Premii: un premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara : SUA • Durata: 103 minute Supereroii reali care traiesc intr-o lume a cotidianului, merg cu metroul, isi fac…

  • Drama, Mister, Special, Thriller

    Stoker (2013)


    “You know I’ve often wondered why it is we have children in the first place and the conclusion I’ve come to is at some point in our lives we realize things are, they’re screwed up beyond repair. But not me, personally speaking I cannot wait to see life tear you apart. „ • Regizor: Chan-wook…

  • Drama, Razboi, Special

    A Farewell to Fools (2013)


    „Do you think they care if you live or die?” • Regizor: Bogdan Dreyer • Actori: Gérard Depardieu, Harvey Keitel, Laura Morante, Bogdan Iancu, Daniela Nane • Gen: Drama, Razboi • Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara : Romania|Germania|Belgia • Durata: 90 minute “Atunci i-am condamanat pe toti la moarte”. In 1972 se rostea…

  • Crima, Drama, Special, Thriller

    Side Effects (2013)


    „She never felt seen by her father. Then her husband ends up in jail and she is abandoned again. I’d be happy to see her have a different kind of experience.” • Regizor: Steven Soderbergh • Actori: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law, Catherine Zeta Jones, Vanessa Shaw • Gen: Drama, Crima, Thriller • Premii:…

  • Actiune, Crima, Thriller

    Alex Cross (2012)


    „You’re being disrespectful, very disrespectful and I don’t like that, not at all. I’m a professional.” • Regizor: Rob Cohen • Actori: Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox, Rachel Nichols, Rachel Nichols, Jean Reno, Edward Burns • Gen: Actiune, Crima, Thriller • Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara: SUA • Durata: 101 minute • Rating autor: nota 4 Daca filmul se anunta a…

  • Crima, Drama, Special, Thriller

    Killer Joe (2011)


    „You ever hear of Joe Copper? He’s a cop. A detective actually. He’s got a little business on the side” • Regizor: William Friedkin • Actori: Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch, Juno Temple, Thomas Haden Church, Gina Gershon • Gen: Thriller, Crima, Drama • Premii: un premiu, o nominalizare • Tara: SUA • Durata: 102 minute “Killer Joe” nu este un film…

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