• Trailere

    Teaser trailer „A Monster Calls” (2015)


    A MONSTER CALLS Data lansare: 21 oct 2016; distribuitor Freeman Entertainment. Regizor: Juan Antonia Bayona Actori: Liam Neeson, Felicity Jones, Sigourney Weaver, Toby Kebbell Bazat pe romanul omonim scris de Patrick Ness, „A Monster Calls” este povestea emotionanta a unui baiat cu o copilarie umbrita de boala grava a mamei sale si vizitele nocturne ale unui monstru…

  • Cronici DVD-uri

    [DVD] Review ‘Run All Night’: ‘Urmarit in noapte’


      „You got no choice. And when it’s done, and it will be done, you and I are gonna meet back here at this restaurant, at this same table that I used to share with my boy, and I’m gonna look you in the eyes just like you’re lookin’ me in the eyes right now….

  • Concurs

    Concurs „Run All Night”/ „Urmarit in noapte”: doua invitatii duble la film (incheiat)


    Freeman Entertainment si CineAmator te invita la film! Liam Neeson, Ed Harris, Joel Kinnaman si Common sunt prinsi intr-o cursa infernala, care te va lasa cu sufletul la gura. „Run All Night”/”Urmarit in Noapte”,  este o productie Warner Bros. Pictures plina de actiune si suspans, de la un regizor care a oferit thrillere in care situatiile…

  • Comedie, Special, Western

    A Million Ways To Die In The West (2014)


    “ I’m not the hero. I’m the guy in the crowd making fun of the hero’s shirt; that’s who I am.” Regizor: Seth MacFarlane Actori: Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Liam Neeson, Amanda Seyfried, Giovanni Ribisi, Neil Patrick Harris,Sarah Silverman,  Gen: Comedie, Western Premii: niciun premiu, o nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 116 minute De prin 1990 Hollywood-ul a facut comedii western. Mai putin de 15-20,…

  • Concurs

    Concurs „A Million Ways To Die In The West”: doua invitatii duble la film (incheiat)


    Din 6 iunie RoImage aduce pe marile ecrane o comedie western regizata si scrisa de  Seth MacFarlane, cunoscut pentru nonconformismul dovedit in versiunea pentru adulti, in care un ursulet facea legea si obliga la hohote de ras- „Ted” In „A Million Ways To Die In The West” suntem trimisi in anul 1882, intr-o asezare uitata de lume. Aici il…

  • Crima, Drama, Recomandari, Thriller

    The Next Three Days (2010)


    “But before you do anything, you have to ask yourself if you can do it. Can you forget about ever seeing your parents again Leave your kid at a gas station? Push some nice old lady to the ground ? Because to do this thing, that’s who you have to become. And if you can’t,…

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