• Aventura, Special

    [REVIEW] Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


    „Peter Parker: So, to become an Avenger, are there like trials or an interview? Tony Stark: You just don’t do anything I would do, and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little grey area in there and that’s where you operate.” Regizor: Jon Watts Actori: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Gwyneth…

  • Actiune, Special

    [REVIEW] Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


    ” And now, you will fly to him, and you will battle him… to the death. Black and blue, fight night! The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man. Day versus night! Son of Crypton versus Bat of Gotham!” Regizor: Zack Snyder Actori: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg,…

  • Geek Stuff

    Fii supereroul care vrei tu sa fii! Indydraw cu povesti si imaginatie


    “IndyDraw e un proiect al pasiunii pentru grafica.” Proiectul Indydraw debuta in urma cu cateva zile si isi prezenta ideile in fata unui colectiv curios, format din prieteni, bloggeri interesati de astfel de propuneri si asigura, in urma unei introduceri, ca in Romania nu se mai face asa ceva. Pot spune momentan ca tot conceptul…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    „The Avengers: Age of Ultron”/ „Razbunatorii: Sub semnul lui Ultron”: cunoaste supereroii


    Echipa impresionanta a celor mai cunoscuti supereroi din Universul Marvel revine in „Razbunatorii: Sub semnul lui Ultron”. Studiourile Marvel prezinta „Razbunatorii: Sub semnul lui Ultron” – continuarea de proportii impresionante a celui mai maret film cu supereroi din toate timpurile. Soarta planetei atarna de un fir de ata, odata cu aparitia raufacatorului Ultron, si depinde de…

  • Actiune, Comedie, Crima, Special

    Kick- Ass 2 (2013)


    “ This isn’t a costume, it’s who you really are.” • Regizor: Jeff Wadlow • Actori:   Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz,Christopher Mintz-Plasse,. Morris Chestnut, Donald Faison, John Leguizamo, Jim Carrey • Gen: Actiune, Comedie, Crima • Premii: un premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara : SUA • Durata: 103 minute Supereroii reali care traiesc intr-o lume a cotidianului, merg cu metroul, isi fac…

  • Actiune, SF, Special, Thriller

    Iron Man 3 (2013)


    ” I have a lot of apologies to make… Nothing’s been the same since New York. You experience things, and then they’re over. I can’t sleep, and when I do I have nightmares. Honestly, there’s a hundred people who want to kill me. I hope I can protect the one thing I can’t live without… That’s…

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