• Biografic, Comedie, Special

    [REVIEW] War Dogs (2016)


    „ They call guys like us War Dogs, bottom feeders who make money off of war without every stepping foot on the battle field. It was meant to be derogatory, but we kind of liked it.” Regizor: Todd Phillips Actori: Jonah Hill, Miles Teller, Steve Lantz, Bradley Cooper, Gregg Weiner, Julian Sergi, Ana de Armas, Dan Bilzerian Gen: Biografic, Comedie Premii: niciun…

  • Animatie, Aventura, Special

    How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)


    “  You have the heart of a chief. And the soul of a dragon.” Regizor: Dean DeBlois Actori (voci):  Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig, Djimon Hounsou, Kit Harington Gen: Animatie, Aventura Premii: un premiu, doua nominalizari Tara: SUA Durata: 102 minute Sequel-ul „How To Train Your Dragon 2”  este format cu libertatea de a construi pilde morale in contexte ce…

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