• Seriale, Stiri, Televiziune

    [REVIEW] The Night Manager – cronica primelor episoade


    Productia „The Night Manager” va debuta la AMC Romania, incepand cu 22 februarie. „You have many different voices, Mr. Pyne. You seem one thing and a person touches me and that person cold away… and somebody quite differently takes his place.” Miniseria BBC impartita in sase parti, „The Night Manager”, are la baza romanul cu acelasi nume…

  • Noutati din lumea filmului, Stiri

    Cunoaste personajele noului serial ‘The Night Manager’ – din 22 februarie la AMC


    Serialul ‘The Night Manager’ are premiera la AMC Romania, din 22 februarie, de la ora 22:00 Tom Hiddleston in rolul lui Jonathan Pine Jonathan Pine este un fost soldat, care a luptat in Irak, iar acum traieste retras ca paznic de noapte al unui hotel. Constiinta unui om care s-a auto-exilat, a unui introvertit, a…

  • Cronici DVD-uri

    [DVD] Review ‘Tomorrowland: Lumea de dincolo de maine’ (2015)


    „Let’s imagine… if you glimpsed the future, you were frightened by what you saw, what would you do with that information? The only facts they won’t challenge are the ones that keep the wheels greased and the dollars rolling in. But what if… what if there was a way of skipping the middle man and…

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