• Fără categorie

    [REVIEW] Hell or High Water (2016)


    „You know the bank loaned just enough to keep your mama poor, thought they could swipe her land. Now they can foreclose on Friday so come hell or high water, get the money to the bank on Thursday and then you are free and clear.” Regizor: David Mackenzie Actori: Dale Dickey, Ben Foster, Chris Pine, Dale Dickey, Gil Birmingham, Katy…

  • Actiune, SF, Special

    [REVIEW] ‘Star Trek Beyond’ (2016)


    “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.” Regizor: Justin Lin Actori: Chris Pine,  Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin, Idris Elba, Sofia Boutella  Gen: Thriller, SF, Actiune…

  • Aventura, Biografic, Special

    [REVIEW] The Finest Hours (2016)


    “ Every fella here wants to live, the only way that happens is if we work together!” Regizor: Craig Gillespie Actori: Chris Pine, Holliday Grainger, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Kyle Gallner, Eric Bana, Rachel Brosnahan, Graham McTavish, John Magaro, Abraham Benrubi, John Ortiz Gen: Aventura, Drama, Biografic Premii: niciun premii, nicio nominalizare (la data publicarii) Tara: SUA Durata: 116 minute Povestea reala a uneia dintre cele…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Disney prezinta „The Finest Hours”: premiera pe marile ecrane din 29 ianuarie


    Infrunta „The Finest Hours: Furtuna extrema”, la cinema din 29 ianuarie „The Finest Hours: Furtuna extrema” este un thriller de actiune eroic, bazat pe o extraordinara poveste adevarata. Cea mai grozava actiune de salvare intreprinsa de o ambarcatiune mica, din istoria Pazei de Coasta din SUA, este prezentata intr-un film care transporta publicul chiar in…

  • Trailere

    Trailer „Z for Zachariah” (2015)


    Data lansare SUA/Romania: 18 septembrie 2015/ – Regizor: Craig Zobel Actori: Margot Robbie, Chris Pine, Chiwetel Ejiofor Gen: SF, Drama Intr-un viitor incert in care nimic nu mai este cum stiam, Ann (Margot Robbie) s-a obisnuit cu gandul ca este singura supravietuitoare a unui fenomen care a dus la extinctia rasei umane. Isi duce linistita existenta la o ferma,…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Into The Woods/ In inima padurii: premiera pe marile ecrane din 2 decembrie


    „Povestea contine o metafora despre viata si pierdere, parinti si copii, si despre modul in care repetam pacatele tatilor nostri sau alegem o alta cale. Acea metafora este relevanta si aproape de toata lumea, tineri si batrani deopotriva. Cand iei toate aceste elemente si le integrezi in spunerea de basme cu muzica si comedie, primesti…

  • Special, Thriller

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)


    „Sometimes the ones closest to us are the ones we should trust the least… If you find the truth, will you believe it?” Regizor: Kenneth Branagh Actori: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley, Kenneth Branagh Gen: Thriller Premii: nicio nominalizare, niciun premiu Tara: SUA Durata: 105 minute Al cincilea film din seria dedicata eroului Jack Ryan (The Hunt for Red October (1990), Patriot Games (1992), Clear…

  • Actiune, Aventura, SF, Special

    Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)


    “ But look deeper and you will see an outsider who does not belong, a man of two worlds. What does he do? Does he follow his head, embracing logic and the path of reason? Or does he follow his heart, knowing the emotions he cannot control may destroy him? I will help him decide…” •…

  • Animatie, Aventura, Familie, Special

    Rise of the Guardians (2012)


    „We go by many names, and take many forms. We bring wonder and hope, we bring joy and dreams. We are the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy, we are the Easter Bunny, and Santa. And our powers are greater than you ever imagine… “ • Regizor: Peter Ramsey • Actori (voci): Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin, Isla Fisher,…

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