• Aventura, Drama, Fantastic, Special

    Hercules (2014)


    „ Who are you? Are you a murderer? Are you a mercenary who turns his back on the innocent? We believe in you! We have faith in you! Remember the deeds you have performed, the labors you have overcome! Are you only the legend, or are you truth behind the legend? Now, tell me, WHO…

  • Actiune, Aventura, SF

    Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (2014)


    “Captain, in Order to build a better world, sometimes means turning the old one down… And that makes enemies.” Regizori:  Anthony and Joe Russo, Joss Whedon Actori: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp, Hayley Atwell, Robert Redford,Samuel L. Jackson Gen: Actiune, Aventura SF Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 136 minute Universul Marvel adauga in portofoliul sau cel de-al…

  • Actiune, Drama, Special, Thriller

    World War Z (2013)


    “ Every human being we save is one less we have to fight..” Regizor: Marc Forster Actori: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz, James Badge Dale, David Morse Gen: Drama, Actiune, Thriller Premii: niciun premiu, 2 nominalizari Tara : SUA Durata: 116 minute Marc Forster este regizorul dramelor premiate („Monster’s Ball”, „Finding Neverland”) sau omul aplaudat pentru eforturile de a scoate…

  • Drama, Razboi, Special

    A Farewell to Fools (2013)


    „Do you think they care if you live or die?” • Regizor: Bogdan Dreyer • Actori: Gérard Depardieu, Harvey Keitel, Laura Morante, Bogdan Iancu, Daniela Nane • Gen: Drama, Razboi • Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara : Romania|Germania|Belgia • Durata: 90 minute “Atunci i-am condamanat pe toti la moarte”. In 1972 se rostea…

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