• Festivaluri de film, Stiri

    Lansare Steelbook (Blu-ray 2D), Blu-ray si DVD ‘The Revenant’


    „It’s okay son… I know you want this to be over. I’m right here. I will be right here… But you don’t give up. You hear me? As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe… keep breathing. „ Incepand cu 25 mai 2016 „The Revenant” este disponibil in format Steelbook (Blu-ray 2D),…

  • Drama, Special

    [REVIEW] ‘The Revenant’ (2015)


    “ As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe. Keep breathing. When there is a storm. And you stand in front of a tree. If you look at its branches, you swear it will fall. But if you watch the trunk, you will see its stability. ” Regizor: Alejandro González Iñárritu…

  • Noutati din lumea filmului, Stiri

    Lista nominalizarilor premiilor Oscar 2016


    Cei pe care pariam inainte de anuntarea nominalizarilor, Brie Larson („Room” este superb!) si Michael Fassbender, au primit mentiune, deci totul e bine. Ma incanta faptul ca Stallone nu a ramas nebagat in seama si ca „Mad Max: Fury Road” nu a ramas fara ecouri, ca de altfel nici „The Revenant” sau „Star Wars: The Force…

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