• the snowman 2017
    Crima, Special

    The Snowman 2017 [REVIEW]


    The Snowman 2017 quote: „He calls himself the snowman killer,” Fassbender’s voice warns in the trailer. “He’s completely insane. The only thing we know for sure is that he’s playing games with us!” Regizor: Tomas Alfredson Actori:  Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Chloë Sevigny, J.K. Simmons, Val Kilmer, Charlotte Gainsbourg, David Dencik, James D’Arcy, Jamie Clayton, Jakob Oftebro Gen: Thriller, Crima Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare (la data publicarii) Tara: SUA Durata: 119 minute…

  • Horror, SF, Special

    [REVIEW] Alien: Covenant (2017)


    „After we made contact with the Engineers, the Prometheus was destroyed. All hands were lost, but I escaped with Elizabeth in one of their ships. I was badly injured in our mission. She put me back together. I never experienced such compassion.”” Regizor: Ridley Scott Actori: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, Carmen Ejogo, Demián Bichir, Callie…

  • Actiune, SF, Special

    [REVIEW] X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


    „I’ve been called many things over many lifetimes: Ra, Krishna, Yahweh. I was there to spark and fan the flame of man’s awakening, to spin the wheel of civilization.” Regizori: Bryan Singer Actori: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult. Oscar Isaac, Rose Byrne, Evan Peters, Josh Helman, Lucas Till, Sophie Turner, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp Gen: Actiune, SF Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare (la…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Lansare DVD si Blu-Ray ‘Steve Jobs’ (2015)


    ” We go back, so don’t talk to me like I’m other people. I’m the only one that knows that this guy here is someone you invented. I’m standing by you because that perfect cube – that does nothing – is about to be the single biggest failure in the history of personal computing.” Incepand…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Lansare DVD ‘Macbeth’ (2015)


    „Who could refrain that had a heart to love, and in that heart courage to make love known?„ Incepand cu 24 martie 2016 „Macbeth” este disponibil in format DVD in toate magazinele de specialitate! Sinopsis: Intr-un peisaj sfasiat de razboaie si neiertator, se intoarce acasa Macbeth, neinfricatul razboinic si lider, dupa ce a intalnit trei vrajitoare pe…

  • Articole tematice, Special, Topuri

    9 Filme cu supereroi de vazut in 2016


    Editia Comic Con de anul acesta de la San Diego nu a fost lipsita de incidente. Si ma refer, din nou, la inregistrarea ilegala a unor clipuri si trailere exclusive prezentate publicului de acolo si ulterior urcate pe net sa le vada si muritorul de rand. Desigur, casele de productie au fost foarte suparate, dar…

  • Trailere

    Trailer „Macbeth” (2015)


    Data lansare SUA/Romania: 2 octombrie 2015/ – Regizor: Justin Kurzel Actori: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, David Thewlis, Elizabeth Debicki, Sean Harris Gen: Drama, Istoric Duce al Scotiei, Macbeth primeste o profetie pe care alege sa o ignore. Trei vrajitoare ii spun ca intr-o zi va ajunge rege al Scotiei. Ambitios si insetat de iluzia puterii, incurajat de sotia sa, alege…

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