• Biografic, Drama, Special

    [REVIEW] Concussion: Trauma (2015)


    ” They’re terrified of you. Bennet Omalu is going to war with a corporation that has 20 million people on a weekly basis craving their product the same way they crave food. The NFL owns a day of the week, the same day the Church used to own. Now it’s theirs. They’re very big.” Regizor:…

  • Concurs

    Concurs ‘Concussion/ Trauma’: castiga doua invitatii duble la film (incheiat)


    Din 5 februarie InterComFilm aduce pe marile ecrane o uimitoare poveste adevarata despre lupta impotriva sistemului, un thriller care are la baza o descoperire medicala care avea sa rastoarne institutii, dar nu inainte de o lupta apriga pentru a dovedi adevarul. In centrul acestei povestiri se afla un om care spune adevarul despre un sport cu care el nu are nicio…

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