• Lansari filme, Stiri

    Lansare DVD si Blu-ray ‘Fantastic Four’ (2015)


      ” How did we get this far? Human beings have an immeasurable desire to discover, to invent, to build. Our future depends on us furthering these ideals, a responsibility that rests on the shoulders of generations to come. But with every new discovery, there is risk, there is sacrifice… and there are consequences. „…

  • Actiune, SF, Special

    [REVIEW] Fantastic Four (2015)


    „How did we get this far? Human beings have an immeasurable desire to discover, to invent, to build. Our future depends on us furthering these ideals, a responsibility that rests on the shoulders of generations to come. But with every new discovery, there is risk, there is sacrifice… and there are consequences. ” Regizor: Josh Trank…

  • Trailere

    Preview „The Fantastic Four”/ „Cei patru fantastici” (2015)


    The Fantastic Four Data lansare: SUA/ Romania: 7 aug 2015/ 7 aug 2015 Regizor: Josh Trank Actori: Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Bell Gen: Actiune, Fantastic, SF Patru tineri cercetatori capata abilitati fizice imposibile, dupa ce sunt expusi fortelor unui univers alternativ. Acestia trebuie sa invete sa colaboreze, odata intorsi pe Pamant pentru a face o echipa pregatite sa…

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