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    [REVIEW] Hell or High Water (2016)


    „You know the bank loaned just enough to keep your mama poor, thought they could swipe her land. Now they can foreclose on Friday so come hell or high water, get the money to the bank on Thursday and then you are free and clear.” Regizor: David Mackenzie Actori: Dale Dickey, Ben Foster, Chris Pine, Dale Dickey, Gil Birmingham, Katy…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    Premiere RoImage pentru iulie-august 2016


    Vara aceasta, Ro Image 2000 va asteapta cu comedii, animatii simpatice si filme de actiune! Premiere Ro Image iulie 2016 Central Intelligence/ Agenti aproape perfecti – din 1 iulie; trailer aici. The Purge: Ellection Year/ Noapte Judecatii. Alegerile – din 8 iulie; trailer aici. Star Trek Beyond/ Star Trek Dincolo de infinit – din 22 iulie; trailer…

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