• Lansari filme, Stiri

    Disney prezinta „The Finest Hours”: premiera pe marile ecrane din 29 ianuarie


    Infrunta „The Finest Hours: Furtuna extrema”, la cinema din 29 ianuarie „The Finest Hours: Furtuna extrema” este un thriller de actiune eroic, bazat pe o extraordinara poveste adevarata. Cea mai grozava actiune de salvare intreprinsa de o ambarcatiune mica, din istoria Pazei de Coasta din SUA, este prezentata intr-un film care transporta publicul chiar in…

  • Horror, Special, Thriller

    Deliver Us From Evil (2014)


    “ -There’s two types of evil in this world, Officer Sarchie, secondary evil, the evil that men do, and primary evil, which is something else entirely.” – I’ve seen some horrible things, nothing that can’t be explained by human nature.” – Mendoza: „Then you haven’t seen true evil.” Regizor: Scott Derrickson Actori: Eric Bana, Édgar Ramírez, Olivia Munn, Sean Harris, Olivia…

  • Biografic, Drama, Istoric, Recomandari

    The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)


    “I know you, you have decided, but it grieves you. Will you destroy your marriage, your country, your soul before God, on the whim of one girl? Because she tortures you with her refusal. She wants me to step aside. Where is my wise husband? You are a king, so be one.” Regizor: Justin Chadwick…

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