• Crima, Drama, Special, Thriller

    A Walk Among the Tombstones


    “ Someone’s kidnapped my wife. I paid them but they killed her anyway. I want you to find the men who did this and bring them to me.”  Regizor: Scott Frank Actori: Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, Boyd Holbrook, Sebastian Roché, Ruth Wilson Gen: Drama, Crima, Thriller Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 114 minute Liam Neeson face ce face…

  • Crima, Drama, Thriller

    End of Watch (2012)


    „ I am fate with a badge and a gun. Behind my badge is a heart like yours. I bleed, I think, I love, and yes, I can be killed. And although I am but one man, I have thousands of brothers and sisters who would die for me and I for them. The thin-blue-line,…

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