• Lansari filme, Stiri

    Lansare DVD si Blu-ray ‘The Hateful Eight’ (2015)


    ” The man who pulls the lever, that breaks your neck will be a dispassionate man. And that dispassion is the very essence of justice. For justice delivered without dispassion, is always in danger of not being justice.” Incepand cu luna mai 2016 „The Hateful Eight” este disponibil in format Blu-Ray si DVD in toate magazinele de…

  • Comedie, Romantic, Special

    [REVIEW] ‘Mr. Right’ (2016)


    ”- Hey, did you have to finish a book on tape? – No, sorry. I had to kill somebody in the parking lot. – Yeah, into it.” Regizor: Paco Cabezas Actori: Anna Kendrick, Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth, James Ransone, Anson Mount, Michael Eklund, RZA, Katie Nehra, Jaiden Kaine Gen: Comedie, Actiune, Romantic Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare (la data publicarii) Tara: SUA…

  • Crima, Mister, Special

    [REVIEW] The Hateful Eight (2015)


    “ The man who pulls the lever that breaks your neck, will be a dispassionate man. And that dispassion, is the very essence of justice. For justice delivered without dispassion, is always in danger, of not being justice.” Regizor: Quentin Tarantino Actori: Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, James…

  • Lansari filme, Stiri

    „Cei opt odiosi”: premiera pe marile ecrane din 15 ianuarie


    In iarna aceasta, infrunta-i pe „Cei opt odiosi”  din cel de-al optulea film al lui Quentin Tarantino Dupa doua premii Oscar castigate (Cel mai bun scenariu original pentru „Pulp Fiction” si „Django Unchained”) si nenumarate alte nominalizari, excentricul regizor american Quentin Tarantino revine in 2016 pe marile ecrane cu un nou western scris si regizat…

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