• Mister, Recomandari, Thriller

    A Perfect Getaway (2009)


    “It’s amazing how much people talk about themselves when their on vacation, talk to people they only just met.” Regizor: David Twohy Actori: Milla Jovovich, Steve Zahn, Timothy Olyphant, Kiele Sanchez Gen: Thriller, Mister Premii: o nominalizare (premiile TFCA- cel mai bun actor Timothy Olyphant) Tara: SUA Durata: 98 minute Desi are aspectul unui thriller…

  • Drama, Horror, Recomandari, Thriller

    The Awakening (2011)


    „A life haunted isn’t a life at all. We may as well be ghosts ourselves. „ Regizor: Nick Murphy Actori: Rebecca Hall, Dominic West, Imelda Staunton, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Joseph Mawle Gen:, Thrilller,  Horror, Drama Premii: 2 nominalizari Tara : Marea Britanie Durata: 107 minute In urma vizionarii unui trailer destul de vag, dar totusi…

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