• Comedie, Recomandari, Romantic

    Something Borrowed (2010)


    “- Rachel: You’re an asshole! – Ethan: Yeah, maybe I am. But i’m the only asshole here who gives a shit about you.” Regizor: Luke Greenfield Actori: Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, John Krasinski Gen: Comedie, Romantic Premii: trei nominalizari (Teen Choice Award) Tara: SUA Durata: 112 minute O carte targetata publicului feminin, ecranizata…

  • Noutati din lumea filmului, Stiri

    EZEL (2009): “Pentru ca toti isi ucid iubirea, dar nu toti mor pentru ca au fost ucisi”


    Ezel – serialul turcesc se poate vedea pe NETFLIX „My name is Ezel. Where Omer  story ended, mine will start” “Today i found myself right on a bridge. Downstairs fires, in front of me evil and behind me angels. Both can influence but sometimes both can be behind a person.. . Both asked me the…

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