• Comedie, SF, Special

    [REVIEW] Ghostbusters (2016)


    „ One by one they had each been stabbed to death in their sleep. It was later discovered that they were murdered by his eldest daughter, Gertrude Aldridge. Sir Aldridge once wrote in his diary, ‘I know God makes no mistakes, but I believe he may have been drunk when he built Gertrude’s personality.’.” Regizor:…

  • Noutati din lumea filmului, Stiri

    Ce filme vezi vara asta in format IMAX si 4DX


    Traieste cele mai asteptate filme ale verii, in impresionantele formate IMAX & 4DX „Now You See me: Jaful Perfect 2”, „Ziua Independentei: Renasterea”, „Legenda lui Tarzan”, „Vanatorii de fantome” sau „Star Trek: Dincolo de infinit” sunt doar cateva dintre filmele care iti vor face vara mai intensa si mai interesanta. Fii parte din actiunea celor…

  • Concurs

    [CONCURS]: 10 invitatii duble la ‘Ghostbusters’ (2016) (incheiat)


    Pe cine vei suna? GHOSBUSTERS! If there’s something strange in your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! If there’s something weird and it don’t look good Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Din 29 iulie intalnesti o noua echipa de Vanatori de fantome (distribuitor InterComFilm), dar pana atunci vezi weekend-ul acesta la AXN Romania fenomenul lansat…

  • Stiri, Televiziune

    Maraton ‘Ghosbusters: Vanatorii de fantome’ la AXN


    Premiera pe AXN – Vanatorii de fantome (1986 si 1989), 18 si 19 iunie, de la 21:00 Super fenomenul lansat de Sony Pictures in anii ’80 te bantuie sambata si duminica seara: urmareste aventura faimosilor Vanatori de fantome intr-un weekend de pomina, in asteptarea cele mai recente ecranizari a faimoasei francize – ‘Vanatorii de fantome’…

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