• Drama, Romantic, Special

    The Fault In Our Stars (2014)


    ” You don’t have a choice if you get hurt in this world, but you do have a say in who hurts you. I like my choices, I hope she likes hers. „ Regizor: Josh Boone Actori: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern, Sam Trammell, Willem Dafoe Gen: Drama, Romantic Premii: niciun premiu, o nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 125 minute Prima concluzie care…

  • Drama

    Flight (2012)


    “- Remember, if they ask you anything about your drinking, it’s totally acceptable to say „I don’t recall”. -: Hey, don’t tell me how to lie about my drinking, okay? I know how to lie about my drinking. I’ve been lying about my drinking my whole life.” • Regizor: Robert Zemeckis • Actori: Denzel Washington,…

  • Drama

    Barbara (2012)


    „You shouldn’t be so separate. People here are sensitive: Berlin, the Charite, the capital.They quickly feel outclassed.” • Regizor: Christian Petzold • Actori: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Rainer Bock • Gen: Drama • Premii: 7 premii, 14 nominalizari • Tara : Germania • Durata: 105 minute • Rating autor: 8.5 Premiul Ursul de Argint pentru…

  • Comedie, Drama, Romantic

    Silver Linings Playbook (2012)


    „The world will break your heart ten ways to Sunday. That’s guaranteed. I can’t begin to explain that. Or the craziness inside myself and everyone else. But guess what? Sunday’s my favorite day again. I think of what everyone did for me, and I feel like a very lucky guy.”  Regizor: David O. Russell Actori:…

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