• Concurs

    Concurs: castiga doua invitatii la ‘The Nice Guys’ (incheiat)


    Freeman Entertainment si CineAmator te trimit la filmul de actiune ‘The Nice Guys/ Super Baieti‘, de la care pleci cu o portie garantata si satioasa si de ras! Din 27 mai, afla toate regulile lui Russell Crowe si Ryan Gosling, perechea belea din Super Baieti! Super actiune si super comedie intr-un super film de la Shane Black,…

  • Drama, Special

    Noah (2014)


    “My father said that one day, if man continued in his ways, the Creator would annihilate this world…” Regizori: Darren Aronofsky Actori: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth Gen: Drama Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 138 minute Reluand un curent dictat prin anii ’50 cand dramele biblice ocupau atentia producatorilor (The Robe (1953), Charlton Heston’s (1956…

  • Actiune, Crima, Drama, Special

    Broken City (2012)


    „There are some wars you fight and some wars you walk away from, this is the fighting kind.” Regizor: Allen Hughes Actori: Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jeffrey Wright, Barry Pepper, Kyle Chandler Gen: Actiune, Drama, Crima Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara : SUA Durata: 109 minute Colaborator la partea regizorala pentru doua…

  • Crima, Drama, Recomandari, Thriller

    State of Play (2009)


    “You are going to be out of a job even before the devil can even say your name…” Regizor: Kevin Macdonald Actori: Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, Robin Wright, Jeff Daniels, Jason Bateman, Viola Davis, Michael Berresse Gen:, Thrilller, Drama, Crima Premii: un premiu, doua nominalizari Tara: Marea Britanie | SUA |…

  • Crima, Drama, Recomandari, Thriller

    The Next Three Days (2010)


    “But before you do anything, you have to ask yourself if you can do it. Can you forget about ever seeing your parents again Leave your kid at a gas station? Push some nice old lady to the ground ? Because to do this thing, that’s who you have to become. And if you can’t,…

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