• Comedie, Drama, Special

    A Long Way Down (2014)


    “I don’t mind the pain. It’s the hope that kills me” Regizor: Pascal Chaumeil Actori: Imogen Poots, Aaron Paul, Rosamund Pike, Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Sam Neill Gen: Drama, Comedie Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare Tara: SUA Durata: 96 minute De la francezul Pascal Chaumeil, obisnuit cu scene optimiste si zambete nevinovate (a se urmari „L’arnacoeur” sau  „Un plain parfait”), te-ai astepta…

  • Actiune, Aventura, SF, Special

    Ender’s Game (2013)


    “ When the aliens first invaded, they nearly destroyed us. They will be back. There is greatness in you, Ender. The world needs you. You were bred for this. You see things in a way we can’t. You alone, you can understand the enemy. You will be the one to save mankind.” Regizor: Gavin Hood Actori:   Harrison…

  • Drama, Razboi, Special

    A Farewell to Fools (2013)


    „Do you think they care if you live or die?” • Regizor: Bogdan Dreyer • Actori: Gérard Depardieu, Harvey Keitel, Laura Morante, Bogdan Iancu, Daniela Nane • Gen: Drama, Razboi • Premii: niciun premiu, nicio nominalizare • Tara : Romania|Germania|Belgia • Durata: 90 minute “Atunci i-am condamanat pe toti la moarte”. In 1972 se rostea…

  • Comedie, Recomandari, Romantic

    Friends With Benefits (2011)


    “Hey, everybody wants a shortcut in life. My guide book is very simple. You wanna lose weight? Stop eating, fatty! You wanna make money? Work your ass off, lazy! You wanna be happy? Find someone you like and never let him go.“ Regizor: Will Gluck Actori:Justin Tymberlake, Mila Kunis, Patricia Clarkson, Woody Harelson, Emma Stone,…

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