Unul dintre cele mai astepate prequel-uri (functioneaza si ca sequel), intra anul acesta in cinematografe. Ma refer, desigur la follow-up-ul „300: Rise of an Empire”- „300: Ascensiunea unui Imperiu”, film care va oferi detalii suplimentare despre batalia de la Termopile, oferind publicului secrete inca nedezvaluite din romanul grafic nepublicat de acelasi autor, Frank Miller. Inspirata de bataliile epice transpusepe ecrane, aman putin articolele dedicate filmelor de epoca (urmeaza unul dedicat biografiilor sau biopicurilor) si fac de data asta un top al celor mai complexe batalii surprinse in scene de pelicule. Desigur ca sunt subiectiva, la fel ca de fiecare data si ca exista riscul sa fi omis alte momente care poate ca imi plac mai mult decat cele selectate. Unele sunt expresii artistice ale unor lupte scoase din arhiva, altele doar plasmuirea unor scenaristii, dar au in comun acelasi lucru: spectacolul. Va invit la completari, asa cum am obisnuit 🙂
- 300 (2006) – video aici
„Children, gather round! No retreat, no surrender; that is Spartan law. And by Spartan law we will stand and fight… and die. A new age has begun. An age of freedom, and all will know, that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it!”
- The Patriot (2000) video aici
„We’re going to have to fight them off.”
- Troy (2004) video aici
„My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what’s waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It’s yours!”
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) video aici
„A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! „
- Gladiator (2000) video aici
„Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you’re already dead!”
- Avatar (2009) video aici
„The Sky People have sent us a message… that they can take whatever they want. That no one can stop them. Well, we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. You tell the other clans to come. Tell them Toruk Macto calls to them! You fly now, with me! My brothers! Sisters! And we will show the Sky People… that they cannot take whatever they want! And that this… this is our land!”
- King Arthur (2004) video aici
„Arthur! This is not Rome’s fight. It is not your fight. All these long years we’ve been together, the trials we’ve faced, the blood we’ve shed… what was it all for if not for the reward of freedom! „
- The Last Samurai (2003) video aici
„There was once a battle at a place called Thermopylae, where three hundred brave Greeks held off a Persian army of a million men… a million. You understand this number?”
- Braveheart (1995) video aici
” Now, you’ve achieved more than anyone ever dreamed. But, fighting these odds, it looks like rage, not courage.”
- Kingdom of Heaven (2005) video aici
„I have given Jerusalem my whole life. First, I thought we were fighting for God. Then I realized we were fighting for wealth and land. I was ashamed.”
- Robin Hood (2010) video aici
„If your majesty were to offer justice, justice in the form of a charter of Liberty, allowing every man to forage for his hearth, to be safe from conviction without cause or prison without charge, to work, eat, and live on the sweat of his own brow and be as merry as he can, that king would be great. Not only would he receive the loyalty of his people, but their love as well.”
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) video aici
„Numbers do not win a battle.”
- John Carter (2012) video aici
” I don’t believe you. We may have been born worlds apart, but I know you, John Carter. From the moment you caught me in the sky, I knew. I felt the heart of a man willing to lay down his life for others. A man willing to fight for a cause, here, on Barsoom.”
- The Last of the Mohicans (1992) video aici
„Their Gallic laziness combines with their Latinate voluptuousness with the result that they would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.”
- Centurion (2010) video aici
” In the chaos of battle, when the ground beneath your feet is a slurry of blood, puke, piss and the entrails of friends and enemies alike, it’s easy to turn to the gods for salvation. But it’s soldiers who do the fighting, and soldiers who do the dying, and the gods never get their feet wet. „
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Ar mai fi Battle at Blackwater Bay din Game of Thrones. Battle of Hogwarts în ultimul film din seria Harry Potter și cea din Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.
ah!!! chiar voiam sa fac un mic bonus la sfarsit cu cea din Game of Thrones, dar am uitat ca am scris la munca articolul 🙁 dar da! era luat in considerare! de cea din Harry Potter mi-aduc aminte si da, ar merita un locsor bunicel. de cea din Pirati nu mai stiu… multumesc pentru completari!
Cea din Pirates of the Caribbean nu e aşa importantă. În schimb ar mai fi din ultimul sezon al serialului Spartacus, atunci când se înfruntă legiunea lui Marcus Crassus cu armata de sclavi a lui Spartacus. 😀
Nu urmaresc Spartacus 😀 Dar va urma 🙂
Mie mi-au placut si cele din The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 si The Dark Knight Rises. Si chiar daca The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King are parte de niste lupte fenomenale, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ramane favorita mea.
p.s: ordinea este aleatorie?
p.s2: daca ar fi sa aleg o scena de lupta din seriale atunci as alege Merlin sezonul 5 episodul 13 ( ultimul ).
Initial voiam sa fie un top, dar pentru ca am facut la munca articolul nu am mai pierdut timp sa le si pun intr-un top… Deci ordinea este aleatorie, exact cum mi le-am amintit eu 🙂 Nu am ajuns inca la sezonul 5 din Merlin, dar m-ai facut curioasa 😀 Da, merita o nominalizare si cea din Twilight, mai ales pentru cat de amuzanta este concluzia din final 😀 Si TDKR este superba scena 🙂 Multumesc pentru completari. Foarte bune momentele!
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