De fiecare data cand un eveniment anume se iveste in peisajul monoton al cotidianului, incerc sa ii gasesc un corespondent cinefil. Uneori reusesc sa fac ceva care ma face sa zambesc. Nu neaparat pentru inspiratie, ci pentru ca atunci cand vad rezultatul final, arata exact cum mi-am imaginat. Anul trecut, in aceeasi perioada a anului, facusem un popas primejdios al iubirii. Mai exact, facusem o selectie a celor mai nebunesti povesti de iubire din filme. La propriu. Cele mai atipice idile, impartite in comedii si drame, au primit locul lor intr-un top animat de pasiune si declaratii.
Anul acesta am vrut sa fac ceva diferit si alesesem altceva. Initial voiam sa fac un top al celor mai inspirate discursuri de la nunti, dar curand mi-am dat seama ca nu prea cunosc multe astfel de scene si cele deja alese, nu erau pe placul meu si ca erau prea putine.
Am reinventat ideea si am ajuns la o frenezie de momente dulci sau amarui, dar toate ghidate de impulsul unui entuziasm. Am gandit astfel sa adun laolalalta cererile in casatorie din filme. Asta da, provocare! Desigur, pe unele mi le-am amintit usor, dar altele nu le puteam plasa in vreun film. Dupa ceva munca de cercetare, am facut un TOP 30. Am inclus aici, asa cum o sa observati si cateva declaratii care nu sunt chiar o cerere asa cum o stim noi, dar care spre final conduc la casatorie. Sper sa va placa, iubitori de filme, devoratori de pasiuni teatrale si consumatori de frumos si romantism!
1. Jane Eyre (2010) – video aici
„Let your will decide your destiny. I offer you my hand, my heart. Jane, I ask you to pass through life at my side. You are my equal and my likeness. Will you marry me? (…) It’s you, you rare unearthly thing. Poor and obscure as you are. Please accept me as your husband. I must have you for my own.”
2. Pride and Prejudice (2005) – video aici
„Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past few months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you. I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family’s expectations, the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony. I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.”
3. Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) – video aici
„I kneel before you not as a prince, but as a man in love… But I would feel like a king if you, Danielle de Barbarac, would be my wife.”
4. The Notebook (2004) – video aici
” It’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? Thirty years from now, forty years from now? What’s it look like? If it’s with him- go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again, if I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.”
5. When Harry met Sally (1989) – video aici
„I love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
6. Time Traveler’s Wife (2009) – video aici
„I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. But it’s too late for that. It’s not because you’re beautiful and smart. I don’t feel alone anymore. Will you marry me?”
7. 50 First Dates (2004) – video aici
„You erased me from your memories because you thought you were holding me back from having a full and happy life. But you made a mistake. Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life. You’re the girl of my dreams… and apparently, I’m the man of yours.”
8. The Wedding Singer (1998) – video aici
„I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad, carry you around when your arthritis is bad. All I wanna do is grow old with you. I’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches. Build you a fire if the furnace breaks. Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you. I’ll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold. Need you, feed you, even let ya hold the remote control. So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink. Put you to bed if you’ve had too much to drink. I could be the man who grows old with you. I wanna grow old with you.”
9. Tess D’urberville (2008) – video aici
„I’m devoted to you, Tess. With all my heart and I love and adore you in all sincerity. And I shall need a wife, Tess. Someone by my side and I can’t think of no one better, more beautiful, more virtuous than you. Marry me Tess, be my wife!”
10. Walk the Line (2005) – video aici
„Now I’ve asked you forty different ways and it’s time you come up with a fresh answer… I’m asking you to marry me. I love you, June. Now I know I said and done a lot of things, that I hurt you, but I promise, I’ll never do that again. I only want to take care of you. You’re my best friend. Marry me.”
11. Bed of Roses (1996)
„I expected you to say yes. Then we’d live happily ever after(…) Since then, I have fallen in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
12. Love Actually (2003) – video aici
„Beautiful Aurelia, I’ve come here with a view of asking you to marriage me. I know I seems an insane person – because I hardly know you – but sometimes things are so transparency, they don’t need evidential proof. And I will inhabit here, or you can inhabit with me in England.”
13. Runaway Bride (1999) – video aici
„Look, I guarantee there’ll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you’re the only one for me.”
14. High Fidelity (2000) – video aici
„I’m tired of the fantasy, cause it doesn’t really exist. And there never really any surprises, and never really any delivers. I’m tired of it. And I’m tired of everything else for that matter, but you’ll never see me get tired of you.”
15. When in Rome (2010) – video aici
„Ever since I saw you in that fountain something… something changed in me. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t do anything without thinking about you. I don’t know what is going on with me, but I want to know what is going on with you. You seem to think that all these guys are under some crazy spell and that I’m one of them but I’m not. This is real! OK? And I ran all the way up Fifth Avenue in a lightning storm because I wanted to tell you(…) the only spell that I’m under is yours. I’m in love with you, Beth.
16. Stepmom (1998) – video aici
„Even when things are hard and you feel like giving up, you have to hang on to that decision, that choice to love each other. Even if it’s only by a thread. I let that thread break once. This time, it won’t. Will you marry me?”
17. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) – video aici
„Let me ask you one thing. Do you think – after we’ve dried off, after we’ve spent lots more time together – you might agree not to marry me? And do you think not being married to me might maybe be something you could consider doing for the rest of your life? Do you ?”
18. The Young Victoria (2009) – video aici
„I’m sure you’re aware why I wished you to come in here. Because it would make me happier than anything… too happy, really, if you would agree to what I wish. And stay with me. And marry me!”
19. Notting Hill (1999) – video aici
„Fine.Good decision. Good decision. The fame thing isn’t really real, you know. Don’t forget I’m also just a girl… standing in front of a boy… asking him to love her…”
20. Rocky II (1979) – video aici
„ I was wonderin’ if, uh, you wouldn’t mind marryin’ me very much.”
21. The Proposal (2009) – video aici
„Marry me… because I’d like to date you.”
22. Gone With the Wind (1939) – video aici
„That I can’t go on any longer without you. I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me. Made up my mind that you were the only woman for me the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. Now that you’ve got the lumber mill and Frank’s money you won’t come to me as you did to the jail. So I see I shall have to marry you.”
23. Braveheart (1998) – video aici
” I love you. Always have. I want to marry you.”
24. He’s just not that into you (2009) – video aici
„I love you so much and I want to make you happy. I need to make you happy for me to even have a shot at being happy. Will…. you… marry … me?”
25. Sweet Home Alabama (2002) – video aici
„-What do you want to marry me for anyhow?
– So I can kiss you anytime I want.”
26. Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason (2004) – video aici
„- Well, maybe it is romantic because it’s not. I mean… I know there’s no music playing, and it’s not snowing, but that doesn’t mean that it, that it can’t really be something.
– You’re right. In fact, there’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you.
– All right. As long as it’s not „Will you marry me?”
– Oh, God. It is „Will you marry me?”
27. Jerry Maguire (1996) – video aici
„I love you. You… you complete me. And I just.You had me at „hello”. You had me at „hello”.
28. Pretty Woman (1990) – video aici
„I’m gonna treat you so good, you’re never gonna let me go”
29. Forrest Gump (1994) – video aici
„I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.”
30. A Beautiful Mind (2001) – video aici
„Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? Because I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data….”
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Reusit topul, desi nu este in totalitate pe gustul meu 😀 . 2 intrebari insa. Prima: ordinea este aleatorie sau nu? A 2-a: unde este scena din A walk to remember? Usor bate mai bine de jumatate din scenele trecute in articol.
ti-a placut, macar putin, nu ?:) Nu, nu este aleatorie. Este facuta subiectiv, in functie de preferintele mele. Desigur, deja m-am declarat o romantica incurabila 😀 Am avut si „A Walk to Remember”, dar pentru ca erau 31 de pozitii, am renuntat la ea pentru a avea un numar par in top. Initial voiam sa renunt la „Jerry Maguire”, dar imi place prea mult asta…. si am ales 🙂 Ce completari ai mai face?:)
Nu am spus ca nu mi-a placut deloc topul, am spus doar ca nu este 100% pe gustul meu, deci mi-a placut mult mai mult decat acel „putin”. La numaratoare, se pare ca am vazut cam 21-22 de filme, insa cu 4-5 filme nu prea sunt in asentiment cu tine. In primul rand nu as fi pus pe locul 1 Jane Eyre, The Notebook si The Proposal nu prea mi-au placut filmele deci.., iar la Rocky II am apreciat orice altceva, mai putin cererea in casatorie. Daca ar fi sa adaug eu personal 1-2 filme atunci ar fi ( pe langa A Walk to Remember ): Leap Year, License To parca tin minte ca si in Two Lovers a fost o scena asemanatoare. Sau gresesc?
Anyway: felicitari pentru top, si cu ocazia asta vreau sa vad si eu „The Wedding Singer”.
sunt lamurita 🙂 mereu am spus ca tocmai diferentele astea de gusturi fac discutiile despre filme cu atat mai placute si frumoase. recunosc ca am o slabiciune pentru „jane eyre”. a fost prima scena la care m-a gandit cand mi-am dat seama ca vreau sa fac topul asta si corect era sa fie pe primul loc. ai vazut mai mult decat jumatate 🙂 „the wedding singer” este un sleeper-hit. cred, sau mai degraba sper ca o sa iti placa. desgiur, la rocky nu este de retinut cererea in casatorie, dar stangacia personajului este savuroasa. „leap year” este un film guilty pleaseure. doar m-am folosit de film pentru teasing inainte de a publicare articolul. dar nu stiu de ce nu am inclus scena in top…. nu-mi aduc aminte de vreo cerere in casatorie in „two lovers”, dar nu contrazic. mi-a placut filmul foarte mult, dar nu retin acum momentul, daca exista.
Frumoase selectii. Ma gandeam ca poate ai cateva care nu sunt din filme romantice.
Preferata mea,din cele alese de tine, e cea din Jerry Maguire.
multumesc 🙂 majoritatea sunt filme de dragoste, dar nu toate sunt supuse strict acestui gen. de altfel, cam astea imi raman in memorie cand vine vorba despre astfel de momente. doamne, ce frumoasa era Renne acolo… si filmul este superb 🙂 ma bucur ca ti-a placut articolul!
mandrie si prejudecata este preferatul meu ……………………… de ce nu se numara printre filmele selectate si …… A Hazard Of Hearts ………. hazardul inimii ……….. dupa parerea mea este excelent si merita vazut ………………… si in ceea ce priveste selectia pe care ai facuto nota 10 ………….. si sa nu uitam GUSTURILE NU SE DISCUTA
„Mandrie si prejudecata” este chiar pe locul al doilea. Este si un preferat de-al meu 🙂 „Hazard of Hearts” nu are nicio cerere in casatorie, din ce imi amintesc, dar este un film inscris pe o lista a filmelor de epoca pe care le iubesc. Ma bucur totusi ca iti place articolul Si ca, in ciuda unui subiectivism crancen, nu am dezamagit 🙂
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